Julio Mendívil y Christian Spencer (eds.)

Made in LatAmThis book project presented to Routledge was based on enthusiastic responses to a call for contributing authors diffused through the IASPM listserve (2013). The editorial work has been rigorous (over the course of two years). Because of this we are confident that the book delivers quality articles that will be useful for those interested in music from Latin America. More than half of the contributors are ethnomusicologists or popular music scholars, which speaks highly of the prolific academic production coming from this discipline. We thank the authors for their patience and the dedication they demonstrated throughout the process and to the end. We also remind you that this book is part of  Routledge Series on Popular Music, coordinated by Goffredo Plastino and Franco Fabbri.

The book discusses in depth the concept of Musical Scene, bringing a Latin American perspective to its critical analysis and reformulation in Latin American contexts. The various approaches of those who have participated in the project are cited and debated in the Introduction written by Christian Spencer and Julio Mendivil. We dedicate this book to Jan Fairley and Danilo Orozco who contributed a breadth of insights to the field during their lifetime.

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